German Armed Forces Concert I
“Dear soldiers, dear listeners in the home country, dear friends beyond the borders: the fanfare is summoning the request Concert for the Armed Forces...”
So began Heinz Goedecke’s introduction to the Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht, the most popular radio show to be broadcast on Nazi radio during the Second World War. From Waffen-SS grenadiers in Russia to Luftwaffe ground crews in Northern France, from infantry units of the Afrikakorps in the Western Desert to Marine coastal artillery batteries on the Channel Islands, from Fallschirmjäger in Crete to Kriegsmarine ship’s company on the high seas, this was their programme and each Sunday military life came to a temporary halt as young soldiers far from home were briefly reunited with their homeland and loved ones via the popular music of the Third Reich, from stirring marches to sentimental ballads, from comic tunes to unit songs.
Now, this totally unique radio series performed by a wonderful array of war-time German artistes and bands including Oscar Joost, Erwin Hartung, SS-Stormsoldaat der NSB, Bernhard Ette, Musikkorps der Wachbataillons Berlin, Adabert Lutter, Reichsmusikzug der RAD, Blasorchester Kurmark, Parlophone Militär Orchester, Wilhelm Strienz, Lale Andersen, Der viel Richters, Hohner Handharmonika Klub and Die ‘Singen Kameraden’, amongst many others, has been digitally re-mastered by British music engineers to offer a 30-track double CD including:
Narvik Lied - Drei Mädels - Kartner Liedermarsch - In Schutzenhaus ist Blasmusik - Tante Anna - Erika - Wir Kameraden den Weissen Berg - Kreuzritter Fanfare - Tapfere Jungens - Ein jedes Mädel liebt das Militär - Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss – Lili Marleen - Heimat deine Sterne - Das schönste auf der Welt - Leb' wohl Irene! - Weine nicht, Mutterlein - Einmal am Rhein - Dort wo die sieben Berg - Soldat in Polen - Siegfried Linie - Skilauferlied – Das Liserl vom Bayerischen Wald - Das kann doch einen Seemann – Die kleine Stadt - Der junge an der Reling - Ruck-Zuck! - Liebes Mädel - Tiroler Holzhacker-Buab’n - Tapfere kleine Soldatenfrau and of course the show's famous closing number: Gute Nacht Mutter...